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ESVS 31st Annual Meeting - Lyon Web agenda

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Index : Agenda : Conférence - débat : ESVS 31st Annual Meeting

ESVS 31st Annual Meeting

  • du 19/09/2017 au 22/09/2017
ESVS 31st Annual Meeting

Education, engagement, and enlightenment coalesce into one unforgettable experience at the European Society for Vascular Surgery 31st Annual Meeting.
The scientific program will provide vascular surgeons and other vascular specialists with a four-day meeting on the most up to date information about new developments in clinical practice and relevant research. Important updates and re-evaluations of the latest technologies and techniques, diagnostic modalities, and data from clinical trials will be presented and discussed.

The completely re-imagined Exhibition Floor now includes exclusive destinations, designed to foster greater examination, deeper discussion, and the exchange of ideas about the advancement of vascular care. Here you'll have the opportunity to meet with the best minds in the industry; explore and discover new avenues of innovation; tackle and solve current challenges, and chart your path into the future of vascular science.

horaires :On Tuesday September 19, 2017 at 1:00 pm ends Friday September 22, 2017 at 3:00 pm
tarifs :ESVS Member - Standard (before 1 Sept): EUR 830,
ESVS Member - After 2 Sept and Onsite: EUR 890,
Non-Member - Standard (before 1 Sept): EUR 995,
Non-Member - After 2 Sept and Onsite: EUR 1100
où :Palais des Congrès / Cité Internationale
50,, Quai Charles de Gaulle
69006 Lyon

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