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The Elephant Man - Lyon Web agenda

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Index : Agenda : Théâtre : The Elephant Man

The Elephant Man

  • le jeudi 10 avril 2008

Pièce de théâtre en anglais, destinée au collèges (à partir de la 4ème), lycées ou autres.

Spectacle entièrement en langue anglaise. Version théâtrale de la vie de Joseph Merrick, plus connu sous le nom de « L'homme éléphant » qui fut déjà l'objet d'une version cinématographique dirigée par David Lynch. 

Based on a true story that happened in the eighties, in the ninetieth century. Joseph Merrick lived short of 28 years, hideously deformed, and exhibited as a grotesque monster at circuses. It might have been expected that “the Elephant Man” would have grown into a bitter, unfeeling, aggressive and unlovable creature that would have been difficult in his relationships with others and would have detested all human beings. Yet, that was not the case, and this is what makes his story fascinating. It is also a story about human behaviour, comprehension and respect and about the triumph of the human spirit over adversity.

renseignements :téléphone/fax (gratuit): 00 800 81 94 48 19
horaires :Jeudi 10 avril 2008, 9h30 - 11h - 14h30
tarifs :7 €
où :Salle Paul Garcin - Lyon
7, Impasse Flesselles
69001 Lyon

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